Ferdie Bester has over 15 years of experience in marketing technology and new media. He holds numerous Google certifications and is an expert in Google Analytics, Google Ads and Facebook Ads among others.
Webinar: Top KPIs to generate more B2B sales - transcript
Speaker 1 00:01
hello Jana na Jana no thank you just allow your figures to be activated lau Nisha hello are you getting the new new lol thank you I am gonna ask me some everybody what what are you initial what would you like to get out of the session I
Speaker 1 03:53
actually got them pills last minute so I think I just like to learn more about B2B sales and and kpis like how do they work how do you find the I do identify them ok easily identify them and use them in my own
Speaker 1 04:18
work what would you like to get out of depression as I know you're not sorry that you're also welcome to just posted in the Cuban a box just got up what you would like to get out of your system so you're on my listen to welcome to post your fuel what you'd like to get out of a shark in a box
Speaker 1 06:02
iPhone email thing yet what did you say hello Melissa Melissa approved the audio and video for all the people so just anybody new that's coming in just you don't mind having them if you don't mind just type in the
Speaker 1 07:06
end of July box what you would like to get out of station all you're welcome to just speak up and tell us all in the if your mic is working hi Linda I can see ux100 I can't hear you thank you are you on mute maybe can you hear me and I can hear you what would you like to get out of this room today
Speaker 1 08:13
I'd like to understand more on how to generate more sales and leads since we're dealing with leads and funding companies for PS4 years I'd like to get the strategy around that and landmark are you with the people
Speaker 1 08:38
I'm alone right now so I'm just gonna write notes for my seniors and I'll present to them after this workshop you would like to get out of station hi can you hear me okay thank you for this opportunity came really grateful for one more with generating more
Speaker 1 09:13
efficiently that makes sense to have that thing and then just strategies around it as well you know what's the best strategies in today's market apogee days off so it's just gonna go is gonna come out
Speaker 1 09:46
to sort of understand how people buy online so you gonna talk about the third of the buying process and that may help you to get more like more lead to more efficient get people through the purchasing process that little bit more efficiently
Speaker 1 10:06
we not gonna specifically targets channels what's the organised organised like strategy symptoms of how to know what's working an hour to present the data I hope that you saw hello Robin hello Craig Melissa you been long time to talk
Speaker 1 10:37
Robert if you don't mind just stopping in into the Q&A box what you would like to get old fashion Craig you as well just type up what you like a version hello Josh I think I see your mic is working what would you like to get our fish
Speaker 1 11:00
I'm just started I like to you know you know when these conversations have around btp and digital marketing sometimes I can be quite tough so just in your experience in a how do you really drive across the value of
Speaker 1 11:20
using digital with in the B2B space and educating I guess the business on the other end on on where they can draw the most amount of value out of it ultimately I know in my heart that God would you like to get out session
Speaker 1 11:43
buddy thanks sorry I was just a battling with BBM app that I had to download for me the business-to-business is quite a new area that we going in for a hotel business and they might think it's an area that we have neglected in the past so it's going to be all new to me so I'm I'm listening with them fresh eyes and
Speaker 1 12:07
green ears right Robert what would you like to get a recession audio works yeah I can work and so I put in the truck keep using different stages in the sales funnel using them to help with a predictable with John tomorrow
Speaker 1 12:37
you are going to see some of the stuff that we done for you but methodology but maybe there's new stuff that should be too beautiful okay let's start I'm listen to you think my start a semi-automatic Ibiza has just joined us
Speaker 1 13:02
what you would like to get out of this person Alice wait another minute and then I'll start if you want just another minutes and then we can get it write thank think let's start okay I'm gonna scream I'm going to
Speaker 1 13:50
just thought I will you record it as well and Melissa slideshow and then I'm gonna go out again you're gonna go into the gym and I live Analytics Virgin so just quickly I've got 15 years did little experience and Gia certified I
Speaker 1 14:18
have Sean still 18642 small jellyfish board and we do some work with some interesting companies in South Africa and the UK select Styles Virgin Active table speak just on back on then just quickly what would you do if two upcoming workshops that I just want to share now and this one is especially relevant because some of the stuff we going to talk about today we'll dive into more detail in indus workshop so I have a look at this one place and will send it back to everybody then you can just click on the link to actually learn more about or register for the upcoming upcoming workshops
Speaker 1 15:06
hosted a dinner today is I'm just gonna talk about the buy a methodology for B2B sales so some of you are familiar with this I would you will be a familiar with this just like the way that we look at our people by
Speaker 1 15:21
B2B sales online then we gonna we gonna spend some time on how to do try and identify and visualise your specific IP ID then to make it practical some other people want to talk about in a Strava Tees or know
Speaker 1 15:37
how to actually use it is to is to cover this and then I've got a section about the outside of the wild lettuce extract look like I said I don't think you should I think we should skip this section because I think most people want her I just understand and
Speaker 1 15:51
I know how to use it but and then there's a Q&A section okay so the fifth Wheel so so normally normally in a post people Morgan people take it you know like a funnel so it's like you to put things in at the top and and then magically people open down and at the bottom you no sales people
Speaker 1 16:19
we don't like that methodology because it almost pretend that you throw things in that the top and then magically gravity helps you to to to get a shower when you don't actually need to do something and I think the opposite is true I think it's an enormous amount of effort and energy that goes into actually
Speaker 1 16:37
clothing ad also to our model is the people enter at the bottom of the work through this this process is a triangle and the at the end of the day then they'd be here to talk so to these are the little steps and the little Commitments of people take two before they actually by
Speaker 1 16:56
so make this practical is the first step is people usually there's an awareness that show where people don't understand what you do or what your company does then they start going into this like a solution research phase then they go into
Speaker 1 17:13
the unit that makes physical medicine maybe they'll join a webinar brochure or join a newsletter or and then only will they reveal themselves and ask for demo or call and then the same will happen so based his steps is little steps of people take to actually
Speaker 1 17:33
before they commit and what happens if people enter this this process and then after while they go down again so it takes a lot of energy to 222 move people's true is this process one of the key things that we've seen
Speaker 1 17:52
with a lot of our clients is is a basic missing you so most B2B websites look like this there There is obviously in a when it says when people go onto the website they research and there's a huge job that people have to take to go from research and there's been nice just to be before
Speaker 1 18:16
so I think one of the one of the mistakes of you seen a lot of people KT19 is the day isn't the commitment going from browsing the web site to actually talking to a person if huge because people need to give the details that I need to commit to 30 minutes or 60 minutes to talk to self person and trying to they just not ready to do that at this stage
Speaker 1 18:41
we've seen as one of the key things in terms of one of the KPI that's missing from the sales process and this is one of the things we gonna talk about the day does this make sense anybody just say yet one person
Speaker 1 19:02
he is cool cool or so so I'm a little bit when they speak to everybody so so that you can use it so let them use their how do you update the fire your puppy eyes because each company's KPI for different
Speaker 1 19:25
so the question to the answer lies with your clients if you take a sample size of 10 + 20 * if you can but then in the mouth and just ask them some questions how did you find out and describe your engagement with us and what how to build our credibility to
Speaker 1 19:48
the key to these questions is to try and identify what is the what is the thing with the state that people take before they actually reveal themselves out and and are willing to talk to you so just in your case full sample
Speaker 1 20:08
you know they'll go to the economic dolls website the price of a round and lightning and then they'll be like a contact for more lead form you know if they're what's what is this before the talk to you but is it is it is it a paid to explain to you I've got corporate accounts and some of the debates or volume discounts that you have
Speaker 1 20:32
Robert I know you guys to do events and workshops and where you you explain like the value of the off of the service offering it's not just the lead form on your website so I think for everybody this is this is these questions will help you to identify
Speaker 1 20:52
what is that app that KPI that's missing before people actually start talking to you so Linda Russell sample enjoy your instance if I know there's a lot of enquiries or what you do would you go I think you go into an application process quite quickly so
Speaker 1 21:15
if people if there's more people on the site maybe people of bit reluctant to go into the the online application process maybe they want to watch the video first maybe they want to download the WhatsApp thing so so that thing you'll KPI that WhatsApp chat channel
Speaker 1 21:37
okay just leaving business discipline if you need so this is one of the key things that you need to identify two to drive more leads and sales and so you need to sort sample for you is is is in terms of
Speaker 1 21:56
efficiency and and driving more more sales order strategy aspects like this could be it could be the missing thing that drives people either through this process of making it more efficient sometimes the sales people need to service this and that
Speaker 1 22:13
she know from a volume point of view that's also not a good idea I hope I hope that makes sense so these are some of the questions that may help us to identify this one all instance we think the Workshops and a lot of value we also have some resources on on our website
Speaker 1 22:30
stop showing build a little bit of credibility in front of what what we know and what we do in adding a bit of value so the next step is okay so now we go can we get some information from from marketing
Speaker 1 22:44
the next thing is to determine what are the kpis and I think there's the intersection between what should be measured tones of the marketing team delivers kpis and then the second thing is what can be measured and they can be measured this is can be quite tricky because for example
Speaker 1 23:06
out if you do offline events how do you measure that is it possible to measure sometimes it's not possible to measure then we need to find something else in our instant we have a technical issue when people register for the webinar stats on a different system so how do we how do we get around that
Speaker 1 23:28
so that's the next next page what what after that's done then you go back to this model so you know you use this model and what we what what you can then do is to take all the kpis and place them in this in this framework
Speaker 1 23:48
what we call a measurement framework so we take this exact thing with the tying goal with people move up to spinal and you give the actual names for the kpis that people in the listings of people to under and what can be measured
Speaker 1 24:10
and you play some in this order so for example in the system instant Hugo cancel all the devices at the bottom the next thing to do track is engagements or pulse rate all the time on the page so that's an extensive do people actually find the the the
Speaker 1 24:29
the content valuable makes Tesla is a PDF download or newsletter signup or maybe if this could be an event for you this is the question mark one this one so what is that soft convert to them then it it's
Speaker 1 24:45
perfect submission for and then you can actually truck so if example your service that's online you can actually register the truck when somebody is actually that you know sign up for demo or just completed her studies form successfully we've spoken to them just as much because makes sense I just want to stop here and
Speaker 1 25:09
wait for some questions for any questions in the Jack we have a Q&A session section on the left so you welcome to pop your questions and there's no questions all right let me come to you then so if you need assistance to map out your kti's
Speaker 1 26:01
I'm happy to help you for 11:57 Matthew kpis because mapping the KP Eyes or documenting and them is the first step because if you just going to google Analytics you not gonna know what to do and it can I can get quite
Speaker 1 26:20
overwhelming quite quickly so I also put a link in the Q&A section at the top if you wanna book a book a time slot so next thing is like how do you use the paper so let's look at all these adverse so
Speaker 1 26:35
we gonna look at which channels are actually working in terms of all visitors so Google at the moment universal Analytics is the Old Analytics and google Analytics or its new Analytics I'm gonna jump between
Speaker 1 26:55
the old and the new Analytics Robert I know you've got you a for installed I'm not sure I think the other people probably have universal Analytics bring so we gonna Focus more on universal Analytics so if this thing that you can do is go into
Speaker 1 27:13
esta esta check which channels are actually working when I mean what channel to eat is it is it your Google ads or is it your SEO that's working was at Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn that's working and
Speaker 1 27:25
the way to define this is this is go to channels and what you can do and do is look at the default channel group in to see you know how much time do people actually spend on on the page and how many is it just you get birthday so that'll give you an a good on
Speaker 1 27:49
location of what is happening here so the volume here is important to looking at the at the number of users so if you go into a real Analytics hear the live on this is our universe one of their success this year old to go to acquisition in Road to all traffic go to channels
Speaker 1 28:11
and all the different default channel group suggested this is where you get your Kicks on so the 50-over just directed your website is so sure this is your Google app the year you can see where you getting your pics are so that's the first
Speaker 1 28:30
API in terms of that measurement framework the next thing that you can look at is just got back to here is go here is engaged and all the balance right it's to say she look at this Park engagement and balance right and the time on the on the page
Speaker 1 28:57
that can help you determine what content is working or not on your website so I think age until the pounds rate is not good then that'll give you a hug youship.com think it's working so to access their to go to Google Analytics you go to behaviour pulse rate is when use opens
Speaker 1 29:25
single page in your side they made up and they leave without doing anything else or if your pulse rate is more than 70% it's really not good if you don't race between 50 and 70 that its average difference between
Speaker 1 29:42
1515 it means that you're tracking is not working broken at the moment so why did you can have a look at that as you go to be a via go to site content go to all pages and yeah you can see the balance right here
Speaker 1 30:03
by the Old gown stripes or white clothes we spend a lot of time and effort on on the page is the if your pulse rate is more than 70% it means that your webpage really not good and what else tell you is if this is high
Speaker 1 30:25
look at this and we look at that face means of this piece of Compton is not really very it's not good this way to spend the same but this is quite a good engaging page stop it does this make sense is anybody have any questions
Speaker 1 30:43
Chris said he say the same as needed the 70% number what would you do to give me advice Stratford to try and prove that was where is it really worked in the content adding more calls to Action what what is it by
Speaker 1 31:11
really good question so I think the key principle for improving the Browns Raiders to make the page about the visitor not about the company of service so it's too it's too understanding what problems
Speaker 1 31:32
by the visitor visit the page to get look at the search queries that you know people to search for before they find the page and then delivering the content that they are looking for so it's basically like
Speaker 1 31:51
reorganizing the paid SoundHound to visit them and and the company is it hard to do because a lot of times to my dad's got perfect vision of what the business suit kids ain't all the spiced up that the company should own so the biscuit be quite became political
Speaker 1 32:11
to get Joshua jumping in your instance the bells but could be quite high but it means the people of booking immediately after the efforts of the page of example if the browsing a hotel and they click to book it that could indicate that a person is pounds but if they went offline and I went to a different system
Speaker 1 32:37
then you know it'll come the bells but that's actually what you wanted them to do Robert do the same maybe you know in terms of people engaging with a bath and put into the truck but that may be the reason why they why they stopping the engaging on the page as well that's not necessarily a bad thing yeah I
Speaker 1 32:57
think this is my point is why I think it's very important to analyse by channel as well so yeah and I'm spending a lot on sema higher bathroom when you look at the the default channel grouping to this is SEO that paid search and
Speaker 1 33:24
looking at the 30 lb weight on on those channels is also super useful so for example in this dataset display for us has been 50% which isn't very good and then directors and 53% so that why is that so high because people were looking for us or maybe they can help Brandon they were looking for night auditing company and then they leave them there so yes like looking at the channel Robert if it's super important
Speaker 1 33:53
so some of the channels service the sections of the lower section of the buying process better so adorable with you go here when you when you're on display at when you do youtube and and you basically playing in the warehouse space
Speaker 1 34:14
those channels Thing 2 I have flower engagement place so it has to be seen in complex probably already had sorry maybe just on my side being in the hotel industry one of the things that we kind of grapple with is the I guess competition with the
Speaker 1 34:48
OTA the online travel agents on the one hand I guess we would like to see increased traffic whether it be on the OTA or website I guess the question I have is hard to track activity on site booking.com vs our own website
Speaker 1 35:08
website so so you won't be able to see any any any action that actually happens inside booking.com what you can do ever is it data from booking.com and put it into a food sample Google Google numbers
Speaker 1 35:39
and and then you can build dashboards on that on that data so what happens if you won't be able to see the day the inside Analytics but you can't see it using an 8-4 to give an example the best example is is a dashboard that we
Speaker 1 35:59
have that we built using Google data studio soda makes workshop was actually gonna go about this but just looking around just use this new deals this is actually from not from Google Analytics this is from
Speaker 1 36:16
Google Excel sheet on Excel sheet that we doing and then we combine the Google Analytics data with the Excel sheet a case of this is Google Analytics again and then do stoppie summer.com so new at this what you could do is we pull in the Google Analytics data here
Speaker 1 36:34
and then we pull in your ball your booking.com data in here that makes yes got it thank you Sonia all instances Google Olympics will give you some of the data and then we need to use Google data studio to combine
Speaker 1 36:53
and give you a nice pic to you of what's actually going on so Robert in your instance of spots that they will then go into a dashboard that looks like this week using Google Analytics data I'm in the last part that
Speaker 1 37:07
sales will be from ups adult any any other questions just call to malti Patel help you with the Bouncer to take me to be easy to 2211 and the user and then quit loading times helps as well because a lot of
Speaker 1 37:39
it the most of the visitors actually come from mobile phones and the loading time on a mobile phone if it's really important so having a very quick loading time out a lot with the bounce rate as well because if example somebody loathes you know your website and it says 12 seconds
Speaker 1 37:58
load especially if you have users were all the more chance just like in your instant then the speed is incredibly important because if for example they were anything s o n e s because of the processing speed of their smartphones they will drop off as well and then google also fix this office has a really bad experience and that could negatively affect your organic rankings as well
Speaker 1 38:24
that's cool so let's talk about the softest Stuffed so webinar sign-ups demos PDF downloads this is the this is little question mark thing you spoke about here so I don't know if she made her first part they like the soft stuff
Speaker 1 38:50
available in there with you it could be like when somebody opens up WhatsApp Channel 4 The wait at practice if you can set up a goal in in google analytics for for that so it could be so in this instance week
Speaker 1 39:13
universal Analytics we set up a goal for the contact page videos of Leon the album The Number of visitors and lifted out of telephone number all the complex form on the website so what we do is we can then see that and Google Analytics together a centre of
Speaker 1 39:33
somebody taking a small commitment to see what we doing and then what we could do is look at the data but we wouldn't relation to the channels that we have such example kanak search we got 16 contact for use with direct you got 24 social we got three and what's quinine interesting here is that the ratio
Speaker 1 39:55
so after the number of people that actually went there but we got way more organic clicks the only got 16 people that actually went to the contact us page but it doesn't look like the quality was first created this only 2% of the people went there but people have came directly to nigella.com say
Speaker 1 40:22
6% of them actually went to the peso what this tells me is that the Direct traffic was producing quality of that traffic was better better and Tim's off of organic traffic so there's something we getting lots of organic traffic but the quality is not really good it's like 2% of 6% of 3% of 4
Speaker 1 40:44
does that make sense it is very bad Direction and how much to take it with a pinch of salt a lot because people sign into your your system from probably going getting Direct so I think your instances
Speaker 1 41:10
it's it's different because of the way that your your system is set up and away but the login so so for example words with chance people don't log into assistant book up to to access to the services they have visit the site
Speaker 1 41:30
and then the book online and I think that that that suits more useful for him for you I don't think that it's traffic it's going to be that useful I just another channel's first Two directors afternoon repeat visitor
Speaker 1 41:51
channel is it's a it's a very good indication of your of your brand momentum over time and that is your brand growing in the in the market so just Direct channel is a very good gauge to see if the the the the branding and soft the marketing that an awareness that you do is that driving overtime or staying the same
Speaker 1 42:22
so simple Linda for you if you can look at a direct traffic and to say is it going over time or not and if it's not growing then there's something not right in terms of the priming work that you do not make sense
Speaker 1 42:39
it doesn't cool alright I'm gonna I'm just gonna show screen off of Google Analytics forwards well so who I noticed all we've we've actually set up in terms of hours of convergence on the on the page so this is what
Speaker 1 43:04
what it looks like to go to the porch and then you go to traffic acquisition and page actually it's just like the smaller everything here was the same channels it's listed are Adam and we have set up a conversion for workshop registration but them fix it that's a soft very soft conversion in
Speaker 1 43:32
In-N-Out in Stockton now we can see that we sent her an e-mail yesterday and I know just to come over no more strict on them so we got 10 people that clicked on the register button there so so that's showing up in interface with Arduino to the email can find work
Speaker 1 43:50
Direct was was 8 and organic ministry what's interesting here is I can see from my Organics at you getting lots of free nobody's registered for the the workshop and out of 606 we should have at least had a few so
Speaker 1 44:08
what this tells us is the content on our site is is not a lying were we not promoting the Workshops while on the website and be there but the content on what we wrote about 2 years ago is not relevant to what they're actually doing anymore we we always that
Speaker 1 44:29
doesn't make sense but I don't think it's that useful to spend time on how to set up a goal in the fashion unless somebody would like to to cover both anybody in that would like to to come with us okay
Speaker 1 45:08
I'm listen to everything the chat that said yes so so so this is Joseph important so I want to just talk talk with you about the escape the Eyes because it's very important that you set up the KPI one of the key things is to how do you actually use it though because all the data inside Goodbye lyrics of what happens if you need to browse around you need to understand what you're doing you need to go to the guide proposed to you need to set up the right filters so one of the things which we found exception valuable is to have a
Speaker 1 45:57
presented data in a in a logical way what I mean is is Abby so now he's spent all this time money on on sending up the tracking it's now to listen to make it useful so what what are definitely recommend playing around with his issues
Speaker 1 46:20
the framework we we like using issues assignment that you want I don't want to do is bring in the database relevant to the business and only show the data that's relevant to the business because one of the issues with this is just there's just too many metrics are too much data and they're so presenting the data in a way that people can understand and in the context of example here is
Speaker 1 46:47
impressions is how many people saw our soap that number for that how many websites that we have 62 is it up put down now it's down by 43% work sharp webpage is how many people's lives It 13 KB registrations we struggling we can't do that by the end and then we go and when you pull in the CRM data Bruno armory new deals we get and how many new sales did you get what happens if it gives you a view of of like how are people moving
Speaker 1 47:20
from the start of the spine process up until the sale happens because if this goes to zero in time that's been going to be zero and that's completely that's gonna be late that's gonna be late because this fee
Speaker 1 47:35
into the sales so this stuff is never perfect but at least give some visibility on on our we can work and what we also found in super helpful is to bolt bus in a mobile for an advantage of the resources when I stop sharing and show you
Speaker 1 47:57
that this is quite useful baltistan apna mobile format so that anybody can actually access this data on their phones but what happens if this is my phone and it's what I do is I can save the dashboard like an app on the phone so see there's a little link there
Speaker 1 48:17
and when I click on that if it actually does the dashboard in a mobile is it loaded in a mobile format so all the data by form of ckp eyes and that rhyme with methodology showing visually and anybody that
Speaker 1 48:38
that in the business can just click on that link and see the data real-time which makes it usable name people who go okay understand what to do with the data hope that makes sense any questions just to clarify
Speaker 1 48:59
Patricia says that you're a nightjar product it's not just the normal Google search for these two things one is is we build that boat using Google data studio to Google data studio is one of Google's product it's free but if you if you advertise of the lads
Speaker 1 49:20
Google wants to allow you to present the data effective way to that's good technology what we do is we build that fits on top of Google data studio so it's not like I think we very good at building dashboards and Malcolm people to
Speaker 1 49:37
choose the right api's we also LinkedIn data from you know yours you're from ups store the Salesforce other locations had to rebuild denso Google provide the quality free and then we are building a good mate
Speaker 1 49:55
thank you okay cool Justin films of this is this is customisable you can do whatever you want in this dashboard so this is interchangeable and what's important is you can fill in data from LinkedIn you can pull in data from Facebook and
Speaker 1 50:12
may the May even be a way to 22 himself booking.com stator as well or so thank you but cool alright we basically all done so just in terms of of homework is I think they make the first trip if if the source of Interest is to map your puppy eyes
Speaker 1 50:38
3 set up the girls and Google and Google Analytics and then the next step is to visualise the pay for the stuff take a bit of time because you need to you need to pick up the KPI staff take time before these teenagers involved in setting up the calls and then you have to be to Leiston Abbey
Speaker 1 50:57
any questions in Q&A questions okay cool then we gonna wrap up thank you for your time and good luck and play Run to the data and very cool Melissa Wilson through the deck to to anybody that small single thing out of the back to everybody
Speaker 1 51:41
to recording I thank you bye